Saturday, November 6, 2010
In small group this week we decided that we are going to figure out a "risk" to take in the next 2 weeks until our next meeting. This can be simple, hard, whatever. Lately I have been awful at doing my quiet time so I made it my "risk" to read the Bible every day even if that meant getting up before 6am (which would be dreadful). So far I'm 1 for 2 but today's not over yet so I think I should be good...that and I have an extra hour to do it. :)
Here's a few randoms...
-I'm starting to get really, super excited for Christmas. Now I just need to find my Christmas decorations....hhhmmmm....
-I'm also really loving the Caribou sayings. Like the "hold hands, not grudges" one...or the "dance to your own rhythm" one.
-I learned I am the color orange when it comes to my personality. I love personality tests. I think I'm going to make my whole family take the quiz at Thanksgiving. Family fun time!
-Matea was a ladybug for Halloween. SO cute.
-I'm sad that garage sale season is over. :(
-I'm happy that there is brand new Goodwill opening up by my house soon!
-Tomorrow the Vikings play the Cardinals. I think I'll be happy with whoever wins but I still hope that Vikings win. Although they have been a slightly pitiful lately so who knows.
-I made Roman-Style Chicken this week. It was AMAZING. Everyone should probably make it.
That's it for me. I am heading to babysit now. I lead such a fun life, don't I? :)
Monday, October 11, 2010
it's time to start writing again...
Yesterday I brought my journal to church so I could take notes that would be permanent rather than thrown away at the end of the service or the next time I cleaned out my purse. As I flipped through the pages I was reminded about what I went through this past year. Sometimes it's so easy to forget. It's easy to forget that this time last year I was in Montenegro gardening, cooking and carving pumpkins at the English Cafe. It's easy to forget that just a few months ago I was going to the bar every night with Hope (literally and figuratively) and Mel praying that our new friends would understand how much God loved them. It's easy to forget the many lessons God taught me...or how He taught them to me...or maybe that's just me selectively forgetting those times. :)
Brandon and I were hanging out before we went to dinner last night and I started talking about Phuket and Diamond and going to the bar. An hour passed and I was still talking. I didn't even realize it had been that had felt like 10 minutes. Then I realized something. I don't really write anymore. I don't really blog, I don't really some point I just stopped. I know that God is still teaching me things and I'm still processing but I remember how I felt on the Race when I would finish a blog and think, feels so good to get that out. Even if nobody reads it or even cares, I was able to express myself, think through things that were going on and really understand them. It's kind of like you really understand something when you teach them to somebody...I can really understand what I'm going through when I can write it out for other people to read.
So here's to me being intentional. To really write and learn and process. Enjoy. :)
Monday, August 23, 2010
Friday night I officially purchased a 2003 Ford Escape. Yes, it's a 2003 and yes there's more miles then I probably would like BUT it's a 4 wheel drive so I will no longer have to call Aaron to come pick me up when it's snowing so I'm not stuck in my apartment by myself like the good old days. It's also big enough for my skis (so I can officially learn how to ski this winter) and it'll be great when I find a job and an apartment and I have to move. Another bonus, it's yellow. :)
All it needs is a good's fondly being called "the short bus" for now but I think a more fitting name needs to be found. Any ideas?
Monday, August 16, 2010
God did.
Well, yesterday was the start of my BIRTHDAY WEEK!!! My birthday is probably my 2nd favorite day of the year...after Christmas of birthday WEEK is like the week of Christmas. In other words, amazing. I had gone to a wedding Saturday in Rochester and woke up Sunday morning too late for continental breakfast. Bummer. My 2 friends and I headed out to this restaurant we found on our GPS only to find out that it was CLOSED. Double bummer. We whipped out that trusty GPS again to find a new restaurant only to find that there was a PANNEKOEKEN just 2 blocks from where we were standing. I was beyond excited since I thought that all of the Pannekoeken's in America had gone out of business. I frolicked the whole way to the restaurant in sheer delight of the fact that God gave me a Pannekoeken to start off my birthday week.
The pannekoekens were fantastic and the boys are now in love with them as much as me. Or close. The only sad thing is the coffee was SICK. It was the weakest coffee I've drank in a long time...think so weak that you can see the bottom of the cup. Gross. Nothing that a little Caribou couldn't fix though. ;)
So happy birthday week to ME!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
anybody want some jewelry??
Below are pictures of a few of the items. Some have multiple colors as noted below the picture. If you have any questions at all feel free to email me ( or call (763-464-5726). I can always take more pictures so you can see length or other colors.
Thailand is known for their pearls so all of the pearls used in these pieces are real.
Shipping costs $3. If you spend $50 or more, shipping is free! As of now I can receive payment via checks...I'm setting up a Pay Pal account and will put that information up when it's all done.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
101 in 1001
To start the transition home and away from the World Race I decided I'm going to start blogging here for a bit. And I just finished my very own 101 in 1001 list so there's no better time to start! The idea is from the Day Zero Project's basically making 101 goals in 1,001 days.
So here's the list...let me know what you think!
1. Lead or co-lead a study on The Life You’ve Always Wanted
2. Find a church
3. Join a small group
4. Do in-depth studies of 5 books of the Bible (0/5)
5. Start a Bible Study at my workplace
6. Run a marathon
7. Meet Kendra somewhere in the U.S. and run a half or full marathon
8. Qualify for Boston
9. Learn how to cross country ski
10. Compete in a cross country ski race
11. Buy dumbbells and use them twice a week for a month
12. Rock climb twice a week for a month
13. Take a ballet class
14. Get back to my normal weight
15. Do a detox of some sort
16. Fast from sugar for one week (0/7)
17. Eat ice cream every night for a week (0/7)
18. Run a half marathon in under 1:40
19. Run a 5k in under 21 minutes
20. Go to Applefest
21. Go sailing
22. Go to DC
23. Go to a local art fair, meet an artist and buy something
24. Eat at 10 restaurants I’ve never been to (0/10)
25. Go to Canada
26. Go to the MN State Fair
27. Go for a picnic
28. Go to 5 states I’ve never been to (0/5)
Artsy Fartsy
29. Begin designing my own jewelry
30. Learn how to make jewelry
31. Paint a painting that is cool enough to hang in my house
32. Make a coffee table book with pictures from the WR
33. Go to a ballet
34. Figure out how to use my sewing machine
35. Sew an apron
36. Sew a skirt
37. Take a pottery or glass blowing class
Family & Friends
38. Pick up the bill at a family dinner
39. Bake everyone in my family a special dessert on their birthday
40. Cook Grandma a meal including some African food
41. Visit Andrew and Joanna in CA
42. Take a trip with Athena
43. Have a sisters weekend
44. Send Becca a care package at grad school
45. Spend a weekend with Matea
46. Send Mom flowers just because
47. Go to IHOP with Dad
48. Go to a show with Aaron
49. Do a beer tasting with Gary
50. Take Grace and Sophie on a fun date
Being an adult
51. Find a job
52. Find a place to live
53. Create a business plan for a fair trade shop
54. Start my business
55. Make a budget and stick to it
56. Pay off my student loans
57. Learn one thing about the government every week for a month (0/4)
58. Have 3 months’ salary saved up
59. Sponsor a missionary or a Compassion Child
60. Not stress for a day
61. Put on a fundraiser to raise money for Alice’s school
62. Send someone flowers just because
63. Send out 25 random cards (0/25)
64. Randomly give out 3, $5 Caribou or Starbucks gift cards (0/3)
65. Pay for someone’s drink or meal behind me in line
66. Serve at the homeless kitchen with Mom and Dad
67. Help an unexpected citizen cross the road
68. Go back to either Mexico or Poland for a mission trip
69. Make sushi on a regular basis
70. Make a cookbook of some sort
71. Try a new recipe once a week for a month
72. Make a homemade pie for Thanksgiving
73. Host a dinner party
74. Take a cooking class
75. Perfect Vicky’s bread
76. Do a wine tasting (preferably in Virgina)
77. Learn how to make really good pad thai
78. Learn how to make martinis
79. Learn how to make scones
80. Host tea time once a week for a month (0/4)
81. Learn more about wine
82. Learn how to make Euro Cream pancakes
83. Get a facial
84. Get a pedicure
85. Buy a car
86. Buy a great pair of heeled boots
87. Buy a really good facial lotion
88. Buy a really cute winter coat
89. Buy a bottle of OPI nail polish
90. Invest in a really good hair staightener
91. Revamp my underwear drawer
92. Go horseback riding
93. Have fresh flowers in my house every day for a month
94. Go see a movie alone
95. Get a pet
96. Take a community ed class
97. Build a snowman family
98. Plant a tree
99. Go on a sleigh ride & bring hot cocoa
100. Take a car class
101. Dress up really fancy and then go to a fast food place
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day
She can draw perfect circles.
She can answer any cooking question.
Her house is always clean.
She runs....far...and fast.
She's very organized.
She decorates fabulously.
She is very generous with her time, money and possessions.
She is spontaneous.
Her garden flourishes instead of wilts.
She can bowl, play mini golf and swim. I can't do any of those.
She sends me Caribou gift cards and bags of chocolate's necessities.
Her faith in God shows in her actions every day.
And of course, she's beautiful.
So, Mom, thank you for being just a phone call away to answer all of my silly questions and to let me vent, or share stories, or just simply say hi. You are amazing and lovely and I don't know what I'd do without you.