Monday, January 26, 2009


My goal for this year's Grandma's Half Marathon is 90 minutes. It might be a bit steep but I'm hoping with the right training I'll be able to knock out a 6:51 pace. I've been reading Daniel's Running Formula to come up with my training program so I'll be ready to go as soon as my physical therapist gives me the green light.

Typically my training has just consisted on specific miles...3-5 miles a few days during the week and one long run every weekend with some cross training mixed in there. This year's training will consist of interval training, speed workouts, and long (longer than my normal long) and slow runs. I'm hoping my plan will be all figured out by the end of the weekend in hopes that I can start it up by February 5th (the day I have my follow-up with my orthopedic surgeon).

I'm so ready to get out there now...

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